Headshot of Dave Goodrich

Dave Goodrich, M.Ed.

Learning Experience Designer

Contact Info (Internal)

Dave Goodrich (he/him) is a Learning Experience Designer at MSU’s Center for Teaching and Learning Innovation. Dave collaborates with MSU educators who are interested in creating remarkable learning experiences for their students. He understands that designing new ways to learn, research, and improve instruction happens through good conversations and storytelling. Prior to joining MSU, Dave was a science teacher and instructional designer in organizations spanning K-20+ as well as in the private sector. He facilitates educator workshops and is an educator in MSU’s College of Education. Mostly, he likes to drink coffee with a book or guitar in front of fireplaces.

Schedule a Consultation

  • SoTL/Education Research
  • Course Design
  • Syllabus Best Practices
  • Online Courses: Quality Review & Improvement
  • Learning Assessment 
Schedule with Dave